hi – 28feb

Hi. Sometimes getting people on board with a new idea is just as easy as plowing forward with a positive attitude and hoping that people will either sign on and share your excitement, or at least watch cautiously and be willing to be convinced. Two examples from today

  1. ALA Council is going to have an online “face book” to help people familiarize themselves with their appointed and elected Council reps. Big props to Leslie Burger for this one, but I helped a little.
  2. The Roxbury Free Library in Roxbury Vermont now has a URL and a mini web page. Big props to Susan D’Amico for being willing to learn about domain shopping and I helped with a little hosting while they plan their next step. What a nice little achievement to take to town meeting, don’t you think?

In both these cases, someone in a position of authority basically had to make a decision, flip a switch, say “yea” or “nay” to a new idea, decide to do something different. With some some help from people with good information (me in these cases, and others) whole new things spring up, new combinations of information, new methods of delivery. How neat is that?

me: 4 x 4 x 4

People must have caught on that I’m not usually the web-meme type. But then, it’s easy to say that and then wonder “Why doesn’t anyone want to know what *I* watch on teevee?” Anyhow, thanks to Rebecca Blood (and maybe others who I somehow missed) here’s some minutiae about me.

Four Jobs I’ve Had

I scored the essays on the achievement tests, I slung packages for UPS, I set up a news library in Romania, I am a librarian. (more)

Four movies I can watch over and over

I don’t really watch movies over and over, here are a few I’ve watched more than once or twice, historically: Repo Man, Princess Bride, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Liquid Sky

Four TV Shows I Love to Watch

I don’t love to watch any TV shows regularly. I do love to download stuff from the Internet that resembles television (without commercials) and watch it all at once on long cold winter weekends. Current faves: The IT Crowd, The Office (American, we’re done with the British Office), The Wire and that may be it.

Four Places I’ve Been on Vacation

Alabama, Budapest, Alaska’s Inside Passage, the woods

Four Favorite Dishes

saffron risotto, bacon cheeseburgers from the Miss Florence Diner, whatever is on special at The Wayside, fresh baked bread (is bread a dish?)

Four Websites I Visit Daily

Ask Metafilter, Flickr, Wikipedia, Google News

Four Places I’d Rather Be

right here in the spring, right here in the autumn, right here in the summer, Australia

Four Books I Recommend

Time Traveler’s Wife, Gold Bug Variations, How Things Don’t Work, The Book on the Book Shelf

Four Bloggers I’m Tagging

my sister, my boyfriend, my colleague and my frequent roommate.

tag testing complete

Hi. Using PhpMyAdmin and some clever database management, I was able to import all my tags from my old unsupported tag plug-in to the more industry-standard tag plug-in Ultimate Tag Warrior. It seems to work. The solution involved custom creating some tables, using some unorthodox importing methods and a small amount of cursing. My next plan is to figure out why the Bloglines feed of librarian.net isn’t smoothly updating to the new feed. Thanks for your patience. Please check out the new tag cloud at the bottom of the main page.

hi – 06jan

Hi. I gave a new version of an old talk today to about 40 people at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. It’s gotten to to the point that many of the librarians and library students that I speak to in big cities have now heard of blogs, wikis, wireless and RSS. So, instead of just giving a “ten tech tips” talk, I changed it to something a little different Tech Trends in Libraries, the Good News and the Bad News. I’ve been to visit seven libraries in the past two days, apologies for being a little lax on updates here. I’ll be back early next week.

hi – 30dec

Hi. I’m in the in-between phase of this year’s job and next year’s job which are really the same job except that the odd nature of grant funding means that I had to apply for next year’s job all over again. At least they didn’t make me pay the $26 to get myself fingerprinted again. So my “new” jobs starts on January second and I suspect it will be a lot like the old job. It lasts until September. I’m leaving for a quickie trip to Alabama on January 4th and, surprise surprise, will be giving a little talk about technology and libraries to the UA folks. If you happen to be in Birmingham next Friday the sixth, I’ll be at the Mervyn H. Sterne Library, Room 158 at 2 pm.