I don’t see as many companion sites hyping Banned Book Week this year as in previous years. Maybe they’re just waiting until Monday, but there’s nothing on the Library of Congress Center for the Book site, nothing on People for the American Way and nothing on the National Coalition Against Censorship site. PFAW does have a great little news bit about a mailer that the GOP is sending to voters in Arkansas implying that liberal politicians, if elected, would ban the bible.
Category: events
join me in Vermont/New Hampshire in the Fall?
If anyone is in the Northern New England area and wants to consider attending this one day conference Beyond the Building: Taking the Library to Our Users, I’d be up for it.
GLBT Book Month, coming up
go see nancy Pearl tonight
Nancy Pearl speaks at Simmons College in Boston this evening. If you’re in the area, I suggest stopping in, Nancy gives great book talk.
xreferplus, free this week, also
xrefer plus also is offering a week of free access for National Library Week. Strangely, their normal offer seems to be for a free trial month. Here’s some more information on what xrefer plus is.