The Beineke holds the Voynich Manuscript, an illustrated mystery manuscript, written in no known text, which has remained undeciphered since it came to the attention of modern scholars early last century. It is “either an ingenious hoax or an unbreakable cipher“. More links here, more images here.
Category: books
grossman’s article on voynich
And, to bring it full circle, Grossman wrote an article about the Voynich MS for Lingua Franca which, incidentally is out of business and all its old URLs point to the Chronicle of Higher Ed.
“what ever happened to reading?”
The Journey to Literacy [and back again?] tries to answer the question “What Ever Happened to Reading?”
For hundreds of years, people have bemoaned the end of serious (or what is sometimes known as “high”) culture — yet culture survives. Yet at this moment in history, as the mass media and the Internet converge, one thing is clear: the ways we transmit culture are changing. Exactly where does reading fit into this new paradigm? For all Americans, the journey to literacy has taken a new turn.
who is reading what? Does Clark really dig Jewish writers?
On a timely note, three of the Democratic nominees have listed — at one time or another — their favorite books. LISNews has collated those links and combined them with George W’s list as well.
books versus movies
How book people are different from movie people, one person’s view, including some follow-up.
In the world of books, trash and art still don’t ride in the same section of the bus; the books mindset — at least the respectable-publishing mindset — is still segregationist. If the movie-world view is all about the vital connections between art and trash, and about how each is the lifeblood of the other, the book person’s imagination is taken up with the neverending struggle of art, talent and brains to triumph over the forces of money, hustle and fame. [thanks steve]