RLR review

Less than glowing review of Revolting Librarians Redux hits the blogs. Unlike the previous review which I felt had some good points, this one just seems sort of pissed off that the book wasn’t what the author was looking for. There’s nothing like listening to librarians complaining about complaining librarians. I especially appreciate the snotty things she had to say about my sister’s illustrations which I actually liked. On the brighter side, her copy will probably be for sale soon, maybe you can get a cut-rate copy if you haven’t read it already. She’s also one of those NextGenners looking for work which is enough to make anyone grouchy.

ALA: Conservative Bastion

I figure anyone who wanted to bookmark Library Dust has done so already but I feel the need to draw your attention to Michael’s holiday selections which, while not always in good taste, are pretty amusing to me

ALA: Conservative Bastion by Anonymous (ALA Editions). A smoking-gun expose of the right-wing bent of the ALA Council and Executive Board, written by an insider. Author reveals secret support for Republican candidates, coded support for Patriot Act in outwardly opposed resolutions. Book reveals the shadowy cabal which controls lunch selections at Council meetings, exposes the “fleshpot environment” of annual conventions.

The Librarian – one for the history museum?

I read about the review of the new book The Librarian a few days back and paid it no mind. Then I got the following email and while I think that flaming the author would be in bad taste, a pleasant email from a modern-day librarian setting him straight might not be out of line.

There is a review in today’s NYT Review of Books of a book called “The Librarian.” I urge you to read the review if you haven’t already. I get the feeling that the author (of the review) is just begging to have the review posted to your site, so that we can flame the living shit out of him.