The 15-week best selling book America The Book, besides being unavailable at Wal-Mart, was also being banned by the Southern Mississippi library system because it contains the heads of the Supreme Court justices superimposed on age-appropriate naked bodies. Apparently, as of today, the library system has reversed their decision.
Category: books
looted books, the austrian national library tries to set things right
Looted Books: The Austrian National Library confronts its Nazi Past.
“By staging this exhibition and by returning looted books, the Austrian National Library is not merely responding to a legal obligation. Moreover, the library feels it has a truly moral obligation to set things right and own up to its responsibility. This clear commitment does not stop here. Research on a comprehensive history of the National Library during this shameful period is currently underway and the results will published at the end of 2005.” [thanks owen]
we read – more booklists
A few more booklists: Jenica, librainiac, Anirvan [who runs bookfinder], Marissa, Rochelle, lazygal & Carolyne.
add project gutenberg titles to your OPAC
Did you know you can add Project Gutenberg titles to your library catalog? The list of titles is now available in MARC format [or should be any minute now]. A few more PG feeds at this address.
the guilty pleasure of books on tape
My secret stash of book on tape
“I wonder what my colleagues would think if they knew how much of my mental life is still enriched by spoken-word recordings. Listening to tapes while engaged in mindless but unavoidable activities, I get through about 30 books a year that I would not otherwise have read. It’s almost like I’m sneaking in an extra half-lifetime of reading in the course of doing my ordinary chores, which have a way of getting done more thoroughly as a result of listening while I work.” [thanks michael]