I encourage all librarians to try to get involved in their local Edible Books Festival, coming up soon at the tail end of National Library Week.
Category: books
Harriet Klausner, book reader/reviewer, librarian
Of course Amazon.com’s most prolific reviewer has an MLS. [thanks natalia]
how is an ebook not like a book
Jason has a good example of how DRM can affect libraries. Can you count the different ways this ebook is not like a real book?
The Librarian, a good book, a realistic librarian
Speaking of reading, I am reading The Librarian by Larry Beinhart the guy who wrote Wag the Dog. It’s got a realistic librarian character who gets mixed up in all sorts of adventures. You can view a few chapters online if your curiosity is piqued.
is how we read changing?
Will the Internet kill the printed book?
Books remain “the best interface for text yet invented. Some of their comparative advantages include: their lightweight, portability, high contrast and relative cheapness. In short, they are far more efficient than the scrolls and oral lore they replacedâ€.