If, like me, you loved The Time Traveler’s Wife and its central librarian character, you might be happy to know that Gus Van Sant is saying it will be the next movie that he does. Briefest of updates on IMDB. [m&c]
Category: books
one link from a book
My friend Matthew works in a bookstore and we talk about bookish things often. From my inbox: “So, we just got this silly book in at the store called “The Lazy Person’s Handbook: Shortcuts to Getting Everything You Want with the Least Possible Effort” [link]
Chapter two is “The Short Cut to Arriving at the Right Answer” – it consists of five successive steps (e.g. guess, process of elimination, google it, ask random folk, etc.) – but #5 is Ask a Librarian then they say:
‘When all else fails, turn to the information experts. Today’s librarians are not your parents’ librarians. They are highly trained information specialists, with wide-ranging knowledge of subject areas, information sources, & search tools.'”
I’m not sure if being low on the lazy list is better than being high on the lazy list, but I guess it’s an honor just to be nominated, huh?
House of Books
Just what the title says. If I can’t find my dream live-in library, I could try something like this. [lj]
book EULAs? textbook ads?
Just say no to shrinkwrap licenses on reference books. In fact, say “Hell no!” Ads in textbooks? No, no, no!
how the library is not like a bookstore, part eleventyteen
I enjoy the Stay Free! blog a lot. Today Carrie has a blurb that includes information from a New York Times story about big box bookstores like Barnes & Noble determining display space by how much they get paid by the publisher. I had always sort of cited this as something I knew, but I was never sure how I knew it. Carries adds this tidbit with request for authoritative citation, anyone know?
In fact, a label rep once told me that Tower makes more money from selling in-store display space and other co-promotions than from selling CDs themselves. I find that a little hard to believe, but if anyone has real, compelling numbers on this, I’d be glad to share them.