Libraries, sometimes when you stick those barcode labels on the front of your books, you obscure information on the cover, sometimes changing the meaning of the title entirely. Seriously, there are lots of places to put a sticky barcode, why the front cover?
Category: books
feather books – digitally on display at McGill
I post about bookish things less and less lately. Please enjoy this one, straight out of MetaFilter. “The Feather Book, digitized by and on display at McGill University: A seventeenth-century book containing illustrations of birds and men — composed of real feathers, beaks, and claws. More information about the book and its contents and history can be read here.”
what if everyone read one of four books?
The Institute of Museum and Library Services and the National Endowment for the Arts are getting together to correct the alleged “dramatic decline in literary reading” with a program called The Big Read. I’m sure librarians won’t mind getting some grant money, but can we admit that the decline in literary reading isn’t the same as a decline in reading, or book buying, or library attendance?
READ posters, please make your own
Unlike the Springfield Public Library or the Librarian Trading Cards, there isn’t currently a tool to do this, but this LISNews post encourages librarians, and anyone I guess, to make their own READ posters and add them to this group pool. A good fun project while you’re unpacking and dealing with conference re-entry.
dollhouse library
How do you make sure that the people who live in your dollhouse are (or seem to be) as well read as you are? You buy them dollhouse book covers, naturally. Legal, Egyptian, Mystery, these dolls read it all. I just tripped over these at but apparently there is a burgeoning market for mini book covers.