Interesting article by Rory over at this week’s Library Juice talking about what he perceives to be a conservative shift in LISNews’ content and membership. update: LISNews responds.
Category: blogz
more neat blogs
Every state library association should have a nifty little blog like Library Stories to collect local library news, national news of relevance, and links to useful associations [and me!]. Oklahoma is lucky to have this.
why YOU should read copyfight
I know it says “tech news” at the top, but Copyfight should be required reading for all librarians because it tackles the increasingly legally problematic issue of free information. In the library, we give our information away, freely. We learn about Fair Use to watch our asses, but who is going to sue a library? Well, here is a good post about Fair Use and folks who are challenging the DMCA with their own legislation, the Digital Media Consumers’ Rights Act, or DMCRA.
the [another] anarchist in the library
Siva Vaidhyanathan is going on a tour to promote his book The Anarchist in the Library — a book about who is maintaining control over information in a world of digital knowledge, among other things — and is guest blogging over at the Lessig Blog this week. [copyfight]
a nice grouchy blog
Sulkbrarian is just trying to keep it real, people. Her [?] posting of a listserv gem “Subject: An Open Letter To Library Directors” is worthy of Revolting Librarians any day.
“And lastly to those info pro recruiters who think that an individual can survive as a $10/hr temp in one of the most expensive cities in the US, as former librarians and MLS holder you are cheapening the profession by sending master’s level professionals to do work for
only 75% the going rate of your average GED holding secretarial temp worker. The message that you are sending to employers is that we have no worth as a profession. ” [thanks jemmy]
only 75% the going rate of your average GED holding secretarial temp worker. The message that you are sending to employers is that we have no worth as a profession. ” [thanks jemmy]