Anyone gotten a blog from the folks at yet? I just now noticed this page but without setting up a blog myself, I can’t really tell much about it.
Category: blogz
karen’s moving on up, in green
I’ll be happy as hell when feeds that move have some way of automagically updating themselves in my aggregator if the blogs themselves post some little widget. For now, link propogation will have to do. Karen’s Free Range Librarian now has its own URL.
new councilor’s new blog
Michael McGrorty is an incoming ALA Councilor whose writing you may have read in Library Juice and other places. He’s now got a blog where you can read his writing all in one place. If you haven’t already, please send him a library card.
BiblioAcid: Informatique, Documentation numérique et autres questions bibliothéconomiques
French-speaking library enthusiasts will enjoy the blog, everyone willl love the URL: BiblioAcid.
blog vs. blog, or something
If you’re entrenched in the library blog world, you might be interested in the back and forth that has been going on between Library Juice and LISNews. Kathleen has a very good point w/r/t the very real downsides associated with anonymous posting on community forums.