what in the world is a wiki?

What can you do with a wiki? Well… Here’s what I have been working on lately, wikiwise

  • I’ve been keeping up the Opac Manifesto. Feel free to add anything you can think of, I’m putting this one to bed this weekend. Some version of this will appear in Searcher magazine
  • Some friends of mine are looking for housing during ALA Midwinter and I decided to try out a housing share page. Again, contribute if you have anything to add.
  • My Australia notes page. This is locked, but you can see how an online scratch pad might be useful.

idiolibraries, search strategies

What we think about when we think about personal libraries, some thoughts from librarian Tracy Seneca.

To be honest, the search strategies that librarians teach are often not the methods we ourselves use to find information. If we consciously track our own behavior, we’ll find that we still get a great deal of our published information by accident and by referral. But more importantly, the text that is “about your topic” may very well not be the text that inspires you – that makes you see something in a new way. Sometimes we learn most from texts we disagree with, or our innovations come from seeing a connection between texts and ideas that no one else has put together before. [unalog]