Karen gives her feedback about the YahoOCLC toolbar gadget.
Category: blogz
feed envy?
I have to say, I’m as likely to brag about how many feeds I’m subscribed to as I am to crow about how many people I’ve slept with (my age, weight and salary are fair game, however). Both numbers are a little on the high side and may reveal a certain lack of discretion on my part. The correct answer to the question “How many feeds do you subscribe to?” should always be “Enough.”
kinja guide to netlib 2004
Got to stay home and mind the store while Internet Librarian is happening in Monterey? Richard Akerman has set up this Kinja Digest that pulls together the posts of people who are attending. If you’re already an RSS fanatic, Kinja may not be what you need, but if you’re curious about feeds and blogs but you’re not quite sure how to get started, check Kinja out.
the power of many … bloggers
Stephen posts about a new book about social networking written by my friend Christian Crumlish who was also a blogger at the DNC.
ALA-WA web site back online
Welcome back to the web Copyright Advisory Network