I’ve read a few really good responses to Michael Gorman’s blog people article that are worth sharing. Michael Stephens, Kevin Smith, Jason Griffey and Steven Cohen have written lengthy responses on their blogs. I hear all the hot action is going on on Web4Lib where Blake from LISNews chimes in with some perspective, as does Roy Tennant. This reposting from a Slashdot discussion made me laugh, as did this one.
Category: blogz
TTW: Libraries Doing Cool Things with iPods
Of course if you’re aksing questions like “how can I use this nifty technology in my library?” you know Michael will have something to say about it.
a few shorter links
A few other worthwhile links that came in but don’t require too much in the way of explanation: A Librarian’s Alphabet & Jinfo [from the folks at Free Pint].
librarianavengers: Designing for hyper-attentive cyborg children
I have two confessions to make. 1. I never did like the International Children’s Digital Library much. I want to, I just don’t. 2. I haven’t been reading Erica’s LibrarianAvengers blog enough [now added to my RSS feeds]. Today’s post about the ICDL made me laugh out loud.
reading lists redux
I have a somewhat hard time keeping my reading list updated. Sometimes it’s a choice between writing about one book, or reading another one. Patricio on Flickr has found another way of keeping track of his reading for 2005.