“blog people” respond

I’ve read a few really good responses to Michael Gorman’s blog people article that are worth sharing. Michael Stephens, Kevin Smith, Jason Griffey and Steven Cohen have written lengthy responses on their blogs. I hear all the hot action is going on on Web4Lib where Blake from LISNews chimes in with some perspective, as does Roy Tennant. This reposting from a Slashdot discussion made me laugh, as did this one.

Gorman obviously has a lot to say. If only there were some tool available to him that would facilitate his putting it online, perhaps with a way for those interested in it to receive a notification when something new was available, and to respond with lively, rough-and-tumble comments…

librarianavengers: Designing for hyper-attentive cyborg children

I have two confessions to make. 1. I never did like the International Children’s Digital Library much. I want to, I just don’t. 2. I haven’t been reading Erica’s LibrarianAvengers blog enough [now added to my RSS feeds]. Today’s post about the ICDL made me laugh out loud.

We need to run everything we do through a filter that asks: “If I click on this without an MLS, will it piss me off?” We need to acknowledge that design matters. We need to remove ourselves from our collections. We need to design websites that don’t mock the resources they contain. We need to do these things because otherwise all of our efforts are worthless. We need to design websites that don’t suck, because otherwise the kids that we care so much about are going to wander off and smoke crack. And it’s going to be our fault.