Library Juice ceases regular publication, for now

Rory’s putting an end to Library Juice for now and working on some other publishing-type ventures and maybe coming out with a blog in the future. Library Juice was one of very few regular online publications that I would read every time it came out and I’ll miss the combination of interesting one-off links and more thoughtful pieces both by Rory and the people who wrote for him and/or were quoted there.

a few of my favorite blogs

Meredith reflects on Walt’s biblioblogosphere piece and asks at the end “what other non-top 50 blogs would you recommend?” She’s picked a few that I would have included, so here are a few more from me. I think one or two of these were mentioned in Walt’s survey but maybe bear repeating.

Michael Golrick is a Councilor with me at ALA and he’s been at this library governance thing a lot longer than I have. He’s also a library administrator in Connecticut and a very nice man who has been helpful explaining the vagaries of Council etiquette and politicking to me.

Tales from the Liberry keeps it real and talks about what happened when he was outed as a library blogger at work.

Secret Library. Because poetics and libraries should never be far apart, and because I like orange.

A Librarians Guide to Etiquette frequently makes me laugh.

Feel-good Librarian tells real stories that make us all sound like noble heroes.

What are yours?

investigating the biblioblogosphere

Very fascinating article and research by Walt about library blogs. Instead of pullquotes and links, he crunches some (admittedly somewhat subjectively chosen) numbers to line up 60 library blogs in some semblance of order. Don’t like his conclusions? You can download his data and fiddle with it yourself. Which reminds me, I need to get my mission statement back on this page. Fiona notes: we need tools, and fast and puts out a call for more non-USian bloggers.