it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Superpatron!

What do you call a library patron who is a tireless library promoter and a technophile to boot? Library fanboy? What if you found out that same library fan was creating little scripts to post-process library catalog content into, say, a display of the book covers of all new nonfiction titles and started his own pro-library blog? I guess you’d call him a Superpatron which is also the new blog by library enthusiast Ed Vielmetti who has been keeping his main blog, Vacuum, pretty much as long as I can remember.

meanwhile Cronin attack bloggers “all anonymous”?

More on the Blaise Cronin/blogger back and forth. Apparently the story of Cronin’s lambasting from the blogger community has taken on legs of its own and is quoted in this Christian Science Monitor article about anonymity.

when Blaise Cronin, dean of the School of Library and Information Science, posted an essay lamenting the lack of civility among writers of personal Web logs (blogs).

“He was viciously attacked by people [from] all over the world – all anonymous,” says Center director Alice Robbin. “These people would never have made these awful remarks if they had to show their faces or give their real names.”

She says being anonymous provides an emotional rush that shapes the content of what someone says, as evidenced in responses to Mr. Cronin.

“They were so thrilled, and it was associated with antiauthority,” she says. “They were taking it out on a dean.”