Movers, Shakers, Candlestick Makers (also bloggers)

Another round of Movers and Shakers with more than a few familiar faces and some people I’ve now said “Oh man, I have to meet that person.” Congratulations to Vermonter Trina Magi and new settler Meredith Farkas, JohnBloggers Blyberg (on the “to meet” list) and Hubbard (who I had lunch with once back in 2001 and should do so again) and popblogger Sophi Brookover along with PLA blogger Beth Gallaway. Also selected were Jill Stover from the Library Marketing blog, Matt Gullett (updated link) who writes for the Library Journal Tech blog among a zillion other places, Alycia Sellie Madison ZineFest cofounder, and Sarah Johnson from Beyond the Job. Nice job everyone!

changes in the blogosphere

Sarah, the Librarian in Black, has a new job. Karen, the Free Range Librarian, is dealing with some funding challenges at her place of work and has stepped down from ALA Council so that she can focus on work and life stuff. This has sparked more interesting discussion about the value of ALA versus peoples’ ability to substantively participate if they have limited time or financial resources. Michael from Tame the Web is condo shopping outside of Chicago, and I’ve been looking into some interesting job options for when the tech mentoring stuff wraps up in September.

books fountain, etc.

My Mom sent me a link to this book fountain photo on Flickr and I figured I’d spend some more time looking around at various tags: book, library [with this book chopper, and this inter-tidal loan] and librarian where I found these Bibliotecária figurines. There are 449 groups that contain the word library and 39 with the word librarian. Keep in mind that many of these photos are published under a Creative Commons license which means that they can be used by you or your library for many different purposes. Check the rights information underneath the “Additional Information” heading in the lower left.