What else could your ALA membership money be used for? TangognaT explores.
Category: ala
Information Access Alliance
Professional organizations begin to push back over the serials crisis and publishing mergers and media consolidation.
maybe ALA just needs a minister of public blogs?
Karen shares her opinions about what ALA could be doing better with their web site, and with technology cluefulness in general. Her idea sounds like it might even be able to be implemented before the end of the year.
maybe what the ala web site needs is blogs?
Michael would like to see the ALA web site have blogs. I would just like to see the site have a well-functioning search engine, not say things like “the content should be here in mid-August” in late August, and not have pages like this or this or an organizational FAQ like this. If you’d like to know what progress is being made, you can check the ALA Website Advisory Committee Documents and their list of weighted priorities and of course, the status report.
why people don’t read… underfunded libraries?
ALA’s new president Carol Brey-Casciano responds to NEA’s “Reading at Risk” article. Basically instead of ending with a “The NEA needs your support more than ever” note, it ends with “Libraries need your support more than ever” note. While I’m skeptical that simply funding libraries more will alleviate this problem, it certainly couldn’t hurt, could it?