ALA and porn, other people’s opinions

I don’t spend a lot of time reading what the American Family Association says about ALA and pornography, but from time to time I check in. You never know when someone will use one of these pages as a “to do” list and show up at your library. So, without further commentary – except to note that “pray” appears before “reaserch” on the AFA’s list of steps — please see Plan2Succeed’s Library Porn Removal page and The American Family Association’s Library Internet Filtering page

ala elections

ALA Elections are starting this week. I’ve requested a paper ballot again this year just to see how things work for the less technologically adept. The vendor running the elections is distributing all the emails with the login/password combinations for voting [yes, you read that right, passwords in email] over the next week to keep people from reading their email and then going to vote all at once, thus overloading the server, according to email we got on the Council list. Only one candidate has a blog this year, Leslie Burger. You may remember that the candidate without a blog last year was Michael Gorman.

more on Gorman

Can you remember the last time anything a librarian wrote was in the Daypop Top 40? I think I’ll leave Rochelle’s words on the subject as the last thing I’m also thinking about all of this.

if Gorman were not the President-Elect of a major professional organization, I’d not be as het up. I’ve read more concentrated bad-mouthing about libraries, librarians and the ALA the past two days, than I’ve ever seen, and that’s not A-OK. I’m trying to put a positive spin on it and think of it as a growing pain within the profession. We’re long overdue for a growth spurt.
Posted in ala