Category: access
DoJ asks for destruction of more repository docs
There’s been a memo sent by the Department of Justice to depository libraries calling for the destruction of more documents. Harbinger of doom or just housecleaning of materials freely available elsewhere?
the new mantra “one time use”
Librarians, repeat after me “one time use, one time use” More on fair use from Eli. [copyfight]
the chilling effect of librarians
One of the interesting side effects of bad policy like the USA PATRIOT Act and counterintuitive copyright laws, just to name a few, is that people have a tendency to be self-policing in the absence of any real hard facts on how the laws are implemented, “fair use” laws in particular. Oftentimes people, in the absence of solid legal counsel, will be over-cautionary just to avoid being on the receiving end of a lawsuit. Librarians need to make sure that they are not being cowed by nebulous copyright boogeymen and instead advocating for fair use rights for their collections and for their patrons. That’s what access is all about. So says the MLA, the other MLA, AALL and many more.