The open-ILS blog has announced a release of their open source integrated library system demo available, if I am not mistaken, as a Firefox plugin/extension.
Category: access
what is going on with federal depository libraries
Government Information in the Digital Age: The Once and Future Federal Depository Library Program. The Federal Depository Library Program run by the GPO is changing, dramatically. How will this affect you, and your patrons’ access to goverment information? James Jacobs and Shinjoung Yeo have made a preprint of an article they’ve written available.
DRM and fair use
Though this article in D-Lib is a bit of a “complex text” it’s worth reading if you’ve been asking yourself “How can I try to ensure fair use rights in the brave new world of DRM-ed content?” No matter what happens with DRM over the next few months, librarians that manage DRM-ed content are going to have to get a whole lot more tech-savvy, and quick.
blog policy questions
Now that organizations are starting to get their own blogs, people are starting to have some of the blog-policy questions, which is something you get when trends becomes more institutionalized. Karen has been working on blog ethics for a while and her recent post discusses CLA’s new blog and their stated intent to make the blog feeds a CLA member benefit. She discusses the whole idea of member benefits which confront the more wired idea of getting and giving content for free. ALA has back issues of American Libraries as a member benefit. At my library we used to have nine public access computers but only one for non-patrons that could access email. The three other “email computers” were a patron benefit. Not only was this system not particularly useful to our patrons — many people who want Internet access at the library specifically want to check their email — but it made us, as librarians explaining the system, look like we didn’t “get technology” We had to make the computers do something that they wouldn’t do normally in order to put a barrier between what we wanted to give away for free, and what we wanted people to pay for. Similarly in the CLA case, blogs made with any current CMS have an RSS feed. Whether or not you link to it, it still exists, right?
learn about the broadcast flag
I have been really interested in the Broadcast Flag and its ongoing legal battles as more DRM-ish pro-business anti-consumer legislation that could negatively impact libraries. This was even before I learned that the ALA was challenging it in court. Learn more about the Broadcast Flag from Cory Doctorow.