
This is the page for more in-depth information on the weekly assignments. The week's assignments will be outlined in an email on Monday in these specifics categories.


Things we'll be assembling, building or creating. Different from your personal writing assignments. May be shared unless you specifically don't want them to be.


These are prompts for doing research. We will be sharing what we've found in Slack usually. Depending on student interest these may be individual or group projects, usually list generation and other assemblages of data.


Stuff to read which will inform the other work we do and will be jumping off points for discussions. I will provide links or direct downloads of these documents or instructions to get them within the UH system. Let me know if you have trouble accessing any of the readings.


All writing assignments are expected to be informal (but spell-checked) essays of 200-400 words in length. You are welcome to post them on your own blog or other online location (Medium, Tumblr, up to you), but you do not have to. Please submit them to me over email--attachment, URL or text is fine--with the subject line "Week X Writing Assignment." by midnight each Friday. They will be considered late if I do not have them by the time I get up on Saturday.


These will be discussions which will take place in Slack. There will be specific "channels" for each week's discussion.