July 27, 2004

some speechifying

Kennedy's speech is happening now. I've archived a copy of it here. Feel free to read it. It's been a hectic day up in the blogger treehouse. It's fun talking to reporters and meeting all the other bloggers, but then it becomes harder to "get things done." I wind up uploading pictures and doing the bulk of my work at my sister's house in the morning while drinking coffee and wearing my pj's. The big story of the bloggers at the convention is that the convention is quite possibly the worst place to "blog", short of maybe the subway, that I've been to. The good news is that it's a good place to get information, take notes, take pictures, think about things, and then let the whole messy love fest congeal into a few tangible ideas that can be shared with others.

What I have been doing: reading the stories, talking to people, walking around, taking it in, staying fed, finding events to go to, watching a lot of giant television. What I have not been doing: surfing the web, reading other convention blogs except rarely as a guilty pleasure, following any of the mainstream media's coverage, or answering email. It's a weird type of vacation, and yet it's not exactly work. Posted by jessamyn at July 27, 2004 08:33 PM

I'm doing the same thing. Doing my writing in the morning before I come to the convention.

Posted by: Nate at July 27, 2004 09:59 PM

Your photos are wonderful...the little windows that we miss. Thanks for your eye.

Posted by: Kathleen at July 28, 2004 09:13 AM

I hope to see the bloggers out there (at BOTH conventions) paying attention to the topics that get ignored by the newshandlers and arrangement specialists, out of a pathetic and trembling fear that something unscripted might happen.
-Orange Mike

-- Rev. Librarians Redux
-- library signs: PATRIOT
-- library signs: CIPA

DNC 7/26-29
26jul... blogger b'fast
27jul... bazaar
28jul... bash?
29jul... voter reg

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