Wisconsin Library Association, Wisconsin Dells, WI
October 19, 2017
Slides and Notes
- Bridging the Divide & Speaking Truth to Power: Keynote, PDF, PowerPoint
- Digital Readiness: Libraries Easing the Empowerment Divide: Keynote, PDF, PowerPoint
- How to help someone use a computer by Phil Agre
Truth to Power Resources
- CBC's Murdoch Mysteries & their Wikipedia page
- Libraries Step Up in Times of Crisis facebook group
- Tech companies band together to help refugees
- AirBnB Open Homes project
- ALA SRRT newsletter archive
- Draft horses bring fiber optics to remote locations from VT Digger
- Google, democracy and the truth about internet search from The Guardian
- How to get Nazis off of your Twitter with one weird trick
- The Miseducation of Dylann Roof by Southern Poverty Law Center
- Teaching Tolerance by Southern Poverty Law Center
#critlib resources
- Critlib website
- Follow #critlib on Twitter
- Freire's Pedagogy of Oppressed
- bell hooks on education from the encyclopedia of informal education
- Wikipedia on Praxis (lifehacker)
- The Professional is the Political by John Overholt
tactics for action
- India's Mars mission: Picture that spoke 1,000 words & The women scientists who took India into space
- In All-Gender Restrooms, the Signs Reflect the Times Gender Identity and the Bathroom Debate: What We're Doing - a Libguide
- What is Normal? Teen Body Image, Nutrition and Physical Activity from Oregon Dairy Council
- SPLC - Report Hate
- ProPublica - Report Hate Crimes & Tell Your Story
- ALA - Report Challenges
- CATO - Report Police Misconduct
- ARL Article Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity: Members of the Association of Research Libraries
- Diversity makes us smarter
- Photo speaks volumes about Obama and race in the Washington Post
- Anil Dash: The Year I Didn't Retweet Men
- Harvard Implicit Biases Tests
- Unmasking 'racial micro aggressions' from Monitor on Psychology
- GLAAD Media Reference Guide on transgender terminology & Conscious Style Guide
- Beyoncé's Lemonade and Beyoncé's 'Lemonade' and Information Resources LibGuide by Jenny Ferretti
- LibrariesResist Twitter and Resource Guide
- British Library Public Domain images
- Superhero coloring pages
- Wikipedia's 1Lib1Ref project & handout
- Jewel Mazique tweet and article
Digital Readiness Resources
- Digital Divides 2015 a presentation by Pew Internet's Lee Rainie
- Highlights from drop-in time in general
- Highlights from drop-in time last week
- Draft horses bring fiber optics to remote locations
- The introduction of Electrical Power by Wisconsin Historical Society
- Appleton plant in The Wisconsin magazine of history
- Pew report on digital readiness for e-learning
- 13% of Americans don't use the internet. Who are they?
- 79 percent of Americans now shop online, but it's cost more than convenience that sways them
- Digital Technology Adoption in Remote and Northern Indigenous Communities (pdf)
- Digital Inclusion and Meaningful Broadband Adoption Initiatives from the Benton Foundation
- FEMA tweet about applying for disaster assistance
- The Fate of Online Trust in the Next Decade
- The digital divide in the post-Snowden era
Image Credits
- Background jumping man image: (Irreverent) man often treats the most awe-inspiring wonders of nature with scant respect (LOC) from Wikipedia
- WI Route 18 Bridge in Wikimedia Commmons
- We're all in this together image from Garry Knight on Flickr
- Computer chip image from Fritzchens Fritz on Flickr.
- Background image from Flickr
- Banksyesque librarian image by Rebecca McCorkindale
- Microaggression image from Turner Consulting Group
- Noun Project icons:
- Friends by Gan Khoon Lay
- Payment by Eucalyp
- CV by Arafat Uddin
- Vote by Martyn Jasinski
- Broadcast by amy chiang
- skydiver by Juan Pablo Bravo
- skills By Rflor
- Hacker by Gan Khoon Lay
- Education By Pete Fecteau, NZ
- Black hat hacker by Luis Prado
- Information by To Uyen
- Blocked Laptop by Pumpkin Juice
- chat By Becris