Every Problem Is Now a Technology Problem
Navigating the Digital Divide in the COVID Era
Jessamyn Westlibrarian.net/talks/vhc24
Vermont Humanities Council - Snapshot
Rutland Free Library - 24apr24
- These slides, PDF of these slides, All the slides on one page (accessible)
Cites & Tools
- How to Help Someone Use a Computer by Phil Agre
- Wikipedia: Turtles all the way down
- Public Libraries in the Time of COVID -- another talk I did about creative problem solving at libraries, not necessarily in a tech direction
- Why Low-Cost Devices Matter for Broadband Policy by Colin Rhinesmith
- FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit
- NDIA: Free and Low Cost Internet
- Randolph Area Mutual Aid Network website
- Captioned telephones from FCC
- Librarian.net: Getting Live Transcription Working with Zoom
- Twitter: Why isn't it simpler to make Zoom accessible?
- Wikipedia: Streetlight effect
- Pew Research on Digital Readiness Gaps
- Department of Libraries' ABLE Library
- Vermont Library Association events page
- Learn at home
- NYPL classes
- NYPL quizzes
- GCF Global
- how to take a screenshot
- basic computer terms (pre internet)
- internet acronyms
- Official support forums: Apple, Windows, Chrome, Android
- Get help with video conferencing: Zoom community, Teams community, Google Meet community, Skype community
Image Credits
- Background icon by Ben Davis from the Noun Project
- Flowered field from Wikimedia Commons
- Vermont by Alexander Skowalsky from the Noun Project
- Telephone by Magicon from the Noun Project
- online by iconcheese from the Noun Project
- Accessibility by Wichai Wi from the Noun Project
- Screenshot by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project
- Learning by Komkrit Noenpoempisut from the Noun Project
- dig by The Pyramid School from the Noun Project
- tools by Eucalyp from the Noun Project
- Alzheimer by stzuana from the Noun Project
- Network by Piotrek Chuchla from the Noun Project
- confidence by dDara from the Noun Project
- Heart Hands by BomSymbols from the Noun Project
- nebulizer by Vectors Point from the Noun Project
- area by Nithinan Tatah from the Noun Project
- Parachute by Ealancheliyan s from the Noun Project
- diffusion by priyanka from the Noun Project
- Eyeroll by Brandy Bora from the Noun Project
- self-hug by Victoruler from the Noun Project