Success with Social Networking
Jessamyn West< librarian.net/talks/utica >
Slide Deck & Credits
- Slides - PDF, Keynote format
- Background image from Wikipedia Commons
Social Stuff Info
- Top sites chart source
- Friendface video on YouTube other episode highlights (1, 2, 3)
- 100 ways to use Twitter
- Portals you can experiment with: Yahoo, Google, NYTimes, Netvibes, a few more options
- Three types of data: personal (PII), relational/transactional, behavioral (more)
- Policies: Olin/Uris policy, UC privacy policy pages and other library examples including library social software policies
- Cautionary video about facebook that many have seen.
A Few Tools
- Feed2js (make a widget)
- RSS to email (email anything with an RSS feed)
- How to embed almost anything
- Widgets! (custom widgets require signup) Twitter widgets. Facebook badges/widgets.
- Word count (to practice your twitter)
- Twittering in Libraries
- Twitter nerdiness: Twittercounter, Twittervision, Listorious
- Web 2.0 Freebies [NLA], Dreamhost free hosting, Flickr for Good
- Cluetrain manifesto
- Source of "magic" quote.
- Twitter examples: NLC, PPLD, NYLA, YALSA, LoC
- Facebook examples: groups, feedback, Hennepin/promotion, Arapahoe/teens
- Google Alerts, Twitter Search
- MCPL: Twitter, Facebook, via Smart Twitter
- Tonawanda Facebook & website
- @Whitehouse & list & who has listed them
- Even more mash-ups.
Find More Things That Work
- Blogging Libraries Wiki
- Library Success Wiki
- Slideshare resentations tagged with "libraries"
- Organizations: EPIC, PRC, Stanford CIS privacy category
A few credits
- Nancy Pearl story/image
- LoC image of women having lunch
- Social software quotation by jwz
- Hunting quote by Temple Grandin
- Welcome back pic