Why the public library is different
from anything else
(and maybe better)Somerville PL Friends Group, Somerville MA
June 25, 2014

Handouts & Files
- Slides and Notes: PDF, Keynote format, PowerPoint format
Links to cited sources/images
- Quotable Facts about America's Libraries (pdf)
- How libraries Stack Up by OCLC (pdf)
- Library Bill of Rights
- Library Values and Hacker Values (distillation of Bill of Rights)
- Duke Center for the Study of Public Domain and comic
- Find content to reuse on Google
- Digital Images Sources - Free for Academic/Scholarly Use
- DPLA wins grant for "simplified rights structure"
- Internet Archive and Open Library
- Little Free Library map
- Montreal's Livre-Service
- Odd lending collections: Seeds, Humans, Ukuleles
- Awesome Box: Somerville MA, Chelsea VT
- NJLAs super librarian