standard bearers, new kids, vendors, 2.0-ers.... what do they
1. Frequent searchers use three or more search engines
2. 50% of searches end in failure
3. Total round trip time for an average search is 15 minutes
* Type a keyword into a search box and hit enter
* Wait a bit, then
* get a list of 20 or so text results split into non-paid and sponsored links
* Proceed to decipher each link and excerpt (does this site have what I’m looking for? Is it spam?)
* Click on a link and go to the site. If you’re lucky, that’s it.
* But most of us aren’t lucky, so you go back to your results page and begin the process again.
* And repeat as often as needed for as long as your patience can muster. (Most searchers don’t get off the first page of results, even though we’re comforted that there are millions of results for some of our queries…)
* If this doesn’t yield the result you’re looking for, you probably go back to the original query and try a new modification.
* And repeat the process again as needed.
remember, you have OPTIONS
- 50 results per page, check
- email address, check
- javascript, check
- tips: on