Encouraging a Culture
of Openness in Libraries

NETSL - College of Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
April 12, 2013
Slides and Notes
Moving Towards Fair Use
Georgia State
- Commentary on GSU case
- EduCause summary of GSU issues
- Chronicle of Higher Ed: Publishers and Library Groups Spar in Appeal to Ruling on Electronic Course Reserves
- GSU Slideshow featuring mascot
Modern Language Association
Authors Guild v. Hathi Trust
- Thorough overview of the issues
- Hathi Trust page of information
- ARL Screencast with information for libraries about the decision
UCLA streaming case
Publicly Funded Research
- White House response: Increasing Public Access to the Results of Scientific Research
- Original We The People petition
Kirtsaeng v. Wiley
- SCOTUSBlog on the decision/
- EFF's analysis
- Association of American Publishers: Understanding Kirtsaeng
MPAA & Fair Use
Fair Use in Libraries
Open Library
Images Used
- Beaver Hats from Wikipedia
- Jumping photo from Wikipedia
- "In Praise of Walking" from Hathi Trust
- Swedish Almanac from Wikipedia
- Unequal access to information resources : problems and needs of the world's information poor from Open Library
- Wikipedia logos
- Master Lock with root password
- Smithsonian Background from Open Library
- A funny cartoon about DRM that has nothing to do with this talk