New Jersey Library Association
Jessamyn Westlibrarian.net/talks/njla2009
Handouts & Files
- YouTube Slides - PDF , Keynote format, PowerPoint format
- Free Tools Slides - PDF , Keynote format, PowerPoint format
YouTube Links
- YouTube: blog, caption help, annotation help, collaborative annotation
- Fancy Stuff: TestTube, active sharing, warp, streams
- Tools: YT subtitler, YT captioner
- Help topics: history video, tutorial on audioswap, timestamp linking in YT comments, timestamp linking externally
- Firefox tweaking: Greasemonkey, download any video (or use vixy), Yousable Tubefix, No YouNoobs, YouTube lyrics, YouTube lights out
- Of interest to Librarians: Library of Congress, Encyclopedia Britannica, Smithsonian, National Library of Scotland (slides), Libraries and Autism video, YT's non-profit program
Firefox Links
- Wikipedia free software portal
- Web browser comparisons
- Plainview application, Chrome, Opera
- Open source, cross-platform browsers: Firefox, SeaMonkey, Amaya and some text-based ones.
- Firefox features: marketing perspective, Wikipedia perspective
- Firefox marketshare w3schools, netapplications, statscounter
- Get more search engines for Firefox, including twitter.
- Greasemonkey, userscripts. Stylish, userstyles
- About:config: about:config, all prefs (alt view), chrome edit plugin
- Some userscript examples: ban timewasting sites, top 10 from lifehacker
- Tips for librarians: bookburro, link evaluator, xmarks
- More complex ff stuff: Zotero/Diigo, LibX, Firebug
- Apps you like in firefox: Meebo, Twitter
Other Free Things
- Top list from Twitter: rememberthemilk, Google calendar, Google Desktop, ImageShack, bit.ly, Twitter, mobaganda, Evernote, remindr, hiveminder, timebridge, doodle, rescuetime, todoist
- Twitter helper sites: official search, WeFollow, twittervision
- Dreamhost free hosting (US only, Canadians try Grassroots)
- Flickr for Good
- Video hosting: YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, Facebook
- Other storage: GetDropBox, Box.net, ImageShack, photobucket, mediafire
- Make stuff: Wikihow, instructables
- Blogging software: Wordpress, Movable Type, Blogger, Twitter
- Tech support: Mac (forum, another forum), Windows (forum), Annoyances, HijackThis forums, GotAPI
- Project management: BaseCamp, Project2Manage
- Questions answered: ChaCha, Vark, hunch, Yahoo Answers, Ask MetaFilter
- Find more: similicio.us, thumbilicious