NEFLIN - Tiny Tech Tips
Jessamyn Westlibrarian.net/talks/neflin
Handouts & Files
- Tiny Tech Slides - PDF , Keynote format, PowerPoint format
- Ethics Slides - PDF , Keynote format, PowerPoint format
Tiny Tech
- CitizenTube
- Broadband Adoption and Use in America & NY Times summary [pdf]
- GROW Model of problem solving [goal, reality, obstacles/options, way forward]
- Mapbuilder
- READ Posters from SJCPLS.
- SJCPLS website & Library Elf page & other videos on YouTube
- Flagler College instructional videos on YouTube
- FCLA status page
- Flagler oral history project
- Extended Firefox information
- UFL LibX toolbar
- Google for Domains
- Other good examples on the Library Success Wiki
- Simmons digitization & Greenstone
- DIY Book Scanner & instructions
Free Things
- Web 2.0 Freebies
- Dreamhost free hosting
- Flickr for Good
- Video hosting: YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, Facebook
- Blogging software: Wordpress, Movable Type, Blogger, Twitter
- Cheapie "digitzation"
- Turning RSS into: email, a box on your website, a widget
- Making a calendar with an RSS feed - RSS calendar
- How to help someone use a computer pamphlet
- Further suggestions: Library Tech Talk, LibSuccess, Web4Lib mailing list
Small Usability Steps You Can Take
- Convert uneccessary PDFs
- Add images & personality
- Reach out in multiple ways, overlap is okay
- Track connections you make
- Use clear language, especially for new tools
- Find ways to take control of your own technology
- Make use of free tools to further the library's mission
- Use technology to reflect the community back to themselves, have them helping you
- Give patrons a chance to be better patrons: email updates, interacting when the library is closed, being tech-mentors for other patrons.
Ethics Links
2.0 Ethics
- Cloud computing: Wikipedia, First Monday article
- What is Web 2.0? Old but very good.
- Wikipedia: list of social software & list of social networking websites
- Intellectual freedom, defined: ALA Intellectual Freedom Q&A
- Privacy policies: Facebook, MySpace, Flickr
- policy sidebar: opt in vs. opt out (facebook knows what you did last summer)
- ALA: guidelines on intellectual freedom and privacy.
- Tools & prvacy implications: OPAC sample policy, email sample policy, IM sample policy, Google toolbar privacy "notice"
- Privacy audits: brief description, privacy audit checklist, what SFPL did, Karen Coyle's presentations, ALA tools including sample policies
- Recombining data leads to things we may not have thought of: AOL mess, pdf about tracking conflict of interest
- Three examples: Google Buzz, PleaseRobMe, Guys with iPhones (link is NOT SAFE FOR WORK)
- Laws: constitution - privacy expectation (more), COPPA (more) - minors, HIPAA, state library privacy laws
- what needs nailing down: Sample privacy policy. To explain: data collection, sharing, retention
- Three types of data: personal (PII), relational/transactional, behavioral (more)
- Policies: UC privacy policy pages and other library examples including library social software policies
- Organizations: EPIC, PRC, Stanford CIS privacy category