Future-proofing the library
by Jessamyn Westlibrarian.net/talks/mlc14
October 29, 2014
Slides and Notes
Links to Content
- Open Library and Internet Archive's Text repository
- History of the Town of Ashfield (1910)
- History of the Town of Ashfield Mass (1887)
- General Library legislation of Massachusetts (1913)
- Library of Congress personal archiving brochure
- Digitzation in the Real World - "34 cases of digital collection building in libraries, archives, museums, and cultural heritage institutions throughout North America."
- Cemeteries of Brant County part of the Brant County Digital Collections project and their Digitzation without Fears essay
- The Finding Phineas story and original photo on Flickr.
- Wikipedia Summer of Monuments
- Project Gutenberg & Distributed Proofreaders (summary from The Atlantic)
- Ornithology - Take Notes from Nature
- NYPL's Projects: What's on the Menu and Map Rectifier
- MA State Highway photos 1892-1893 on Flickr
Further Reading
- Who's Not Online and Why
http://www.pewinternet.org/2013/09/25/whos-not-online-and-why/ - Libraries Connect Communities: Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study, 2011-2012
http://www.ala.org/research/plftas/2011_2012 - NYPL Tech Guide Handouts
https://sites.google.com/a/nypl.org/techconnect/all - From Distant Admirers to Library Lovers and beyond
http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/03/13/library-engagement-typology/ - IMLS - Public Libraries in the US
http://www.imls.gov/research/public_libraries_in_the_us_fy_2010_report.aspx - Healthcare.gov and the Gulf Between Planning and Reality
http://www.shirky.com/weblog/2013/11/healthcare-gov-and-the-gulf-between-planning-and-reality/ - The Myth of the Digtal Native
http://chronicle.com/article/Confronting-the-Myth-of-the/145949/ - Digital Divide: The 3 Stages
http://www.nngroup.com/articles/digital-divide-the-three-stages/ - Free User Experience Reports
http://www.nngroup.com/reports/free/ - How to Help Someone Use a Computer by Phil Agre
Links to images
- Starfish images from Haeckel on Wikimedia Commons
- Starfish fossil images from Wikimedia Commons
- Ocean path photo by me
- Massachusetts State Library reading room in 1912, on Flickr
- Fred Tuttle photo by Peter Miller
- Healthcare.vermont.gov image courtesy of the State of Vermont
- Vintage endpapers set from Pinterest Suzzallo Reading Room on Wikimedia Commons
- Four way to get more out of your computer from Byte Magazine September 1976 on Wikimedia Commons
- "Selfie with dog" from Ad-Week's Facetime Everywhere article
- Scanner image from Wikipedia
- 30 second icon from elevator speech slides