Introduction to MARC,
Metadata, and RDA
![[library bankers lamp]](librarybankerslamp2.gif)
Presented by Lorraine Lanius
Vermont Department of Libraries
Spring 2011
Type: a | Elvl: I | Source: - | Audn: g | Ctrl: - | Lang: eng |
BibL: m | SpFm: - | Conf: 0 | Biog: - | MRec: - | Ctry: vtu |
Cont: b | GPub: - | LitF: 0 | Indx: 1 | ||
Desc: a | Ills: a | Fest: 0 | DtSt: s | Dates: 2000 |
OCLC Control # | 001 | Control Number |
Rec stat: | leader 05 | Record status |
Entered | 008/00-05 | Date record added to database |
Replaced: | Date of last replace | |
Used: | 005 | Date of last use of record |
Type: | leader 06 | Type of record |
ELvl: | 008/17 | Encoding level |
Srce: | 008/39 | Cataloging Source Code |
Audn: | 008/22 | Target audience |
Ctrl: | leader 08 | Type of control |
Lang: | 008/35-37 | Language code |
BLvl: | leader 07 | Bibliographic level |
Form: | 008/23 | Form of item |
Conf: | 008/29 | Conference publication |
Biog: | 008/34 | Biography |
MRec: | 008/38 | Modified record code |
Ctry: | 008/15-17 | Place of publication, production, or execution |
Cont: | 008/24-27 | Nature of contents |
GPub: | 008/28 | Government publication |
LitF: | 008/33 | Literary form |
Indx: | 008/31 | Index |
Desc: | 008/18 | Descriptive cataloging form |
Ills: | 008/18-21 | Illustrations |
Fest: | 008/30 | Festschrift |
DtSt: | 008/06 | Type of date/Publication status |
Dates: | 008/07-10,11-14 | Date 1, date 2 |
010 | Library of Congress control number |
040 | Cataloging source |
020 | International Standard Book Number |
037 | Source of acquisition |
041 | Language code |
050 | Library of Congress call number |
090 | Locally assigned Library of Congress call number |
049 | Local holdings |
1xx | Main entry heading (personal, corporate or conference) |
245 | Title statement |
246 | Varying form of title |
250 | Edition statement |
260 | Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint) |
300 | Physical description |
490 | Series statement, not traced or traced differently |
500 | General notes |
504 | Bibliography, etc. note |
505 | Contents note |
520 | Summary, abstract, annotation, scope, etc. note |
590 | Local notes |
6xx | Subject access fields (added entries) |
700-740 | Added entry-Uncontrolled related/analytical title |
800-840 | Series added entries (traced) |
15 | Added title page title |
2 | Alternate form of work(s) in title |
1 | $i At head of title: $a |
16 | Caption title |
1 | $i Colophon title: $a |
2 | Corrected form of title |
14 | Cover title |
12 | Distinctive title |
1 | $i Vol. 2 has title: $a |
13 | Other title |
30 | Other title information (245 $b) |
31 | Parallel title (245 $b) |
30 | Part title access (245 $b) |
30 | Portion of title proper (245) |
17 | Running title |
3 | Spelled out form of symbols |
18 | Spine title |
30 | Subtitle access (245 $b) |