Iowa Library Association
Jessamyn Westlibrarian.net/talks/iowa2009
Handouts & Files
- On the Fly Tech Support - PDF , Keynote format, PowerPoint format, HTML handouts, printable handouts
- Tiny Tech Slides - PDF , Keynote format, PowerPoint format
Tech Support links mentioned
- Salon "library of the future" article
- How to update software: windows (from IE), mac
- Wikipedia on User Personas
- Assessing and Managing Technostress by Richard A. Hudiburg, old article but good advice
- Technostress in Libraries by John Kupersmith
- JFGI (possible NSFW URL)
- The story of the Fail Whale
- MS Word: "Use the ribbon", info about docx
Tiny Tech
- Iowa Libraries with Wifi via mapbuilder
- Marketing and PR calendar via RSS Calendar
- Google Scholar [and other videos] done by Elaine Chen
- SWILSA on twitter and facebook, and on their website
- Correctionville Library on Flickr, Google Maps, and their own website.
- Ottumwa Public Library, Googling for the widget, Joomla extensions site
- Google for Domains
- Other good examples on the Library Success Wiki
- Simmons digitization & Greenstone
- DIY Book Scanner
Free Things
- Web 2.0 Freebies [NLA last year, by Janie Hermann]
- Dreamhost free hosting
- Flickr for Good
- Video hosting: YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, Facebook
- Blogging software: Wordpress, Movable Type, Blogger, Twitter
- Cheapie "digitzation"
- Turning RSS into: email, a box on your website, a widget
Image Credits
- Fly: Mouse cleaning day courtesy of Gregg
- Fly: Broken Yahoo by etech
- TT: Audubon public library, Audubon IA
- TT: robot
- TT: Carnegie library pic
- TT: Patron/librarian photos
- TT: dogs w/ bookcase by greenkozi