ULU Conference, NYC
April 13, 2018
Slides and Notes
Links from Talk
- The FBI has not Been Here signs
- Librarian of Progress campaign
- YouTube is not a library
- We Need Diverse Books
- UH Chancellor's 2017 Holiday Greeting
- 'Onipa'a Kãkou the anniversary of the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy
- A Brief Biography of Paulo Freire & Pedagogy of the Oppressed
- This weeks' drop-in time tweets
- RAINN statistics and how they got them
- Boston Public Library by the numbers
- Children's Library Discovery Center Queens Library
- Wikipedia article on Jewel Mazique & LOC images
- Generation treat yo' self: the problem with 'self-care' by Arwa Mahdawi
- Vocational Awe and Librarianship: The Lies We Tell Ourselves by Fobazi Ettarh (and another great article on self-care)
- Non-racist vs. anti-racist by Marlon James
Engagement Toolkit
Class Reading- Expect More by David Lankes
- Vocational Awe and Librarianship: The Lies We Tell Ourselves
- The Radical Syllabus: A Participatory Approach to Bibliographic Instruction
- Art is Information, Part I: Exploring the research methodologies of artists in Beyoncé's 'Lemonade' #libeyrianship
- Letter to The Smarter Library: A Vision from the Front Page of Wikipedia
- This column will change your life Are you an Asker or a Guesser?
- Define Gender Gap? Look Up Wikipedia's Contributor List
- Ditch Holiday Programming - from School Library Journal
- Holiday Celebrations in the Spirit of Inclusion - from Society for Human Resources Management
- Analyzing the School Holiday Calendar - a student engagement lesson from Teaching Tolerance
- ALA's Banned Books poster, that one year
- ALA's list of Celebration Weeks and Promotions, including Library Card Sign-up Month
- "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" and "Some Notes for Facilitators" -- an introductory and foundational short essay on the idea of privilege (you might also enjoy Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is by author John Scalzi)
- The meaning of digital readiness - by Pew Research Center explaining that people don't just need tech skills, they need tech empowerment/readiness which is based on trust, which is a little more complex to give someone than just "mouse skills"
- Not all information wants to be free by Tara Robertson, about ethical considerations surrounding digitization.
- Social Justice Terminology
- How a Boston nonprofit newsroom starts its listening by popping up where people live and play
- Using librarianship to create a more equitable internet: LGBTQ+ advocacy as a wiki-librarian
- Putting the public into public media membership
- I'm not a community manager I'm a tummler
- Why Wasn't I Consulted? The web as a customer service medium by Paul Ford
- How to throw a Comic Con at your library
- Are libraries neutral? by James LaRue head of ALA 's office for Intellectual Freedom
- Debating my/our humanity, or Are Libraries Neutral? by Chris Bourg, head of MIT Libraries
- Are libraries neutral? by Emily Drabinksi, Associate Professor, Coordinator of Library Instruction Long Island University, Brooklyn
- My Remarks on Net Neutrality - David Lankes
- ALA members to discuss controversial film 'The Speaker' at Annual Conference (watch the movie here)
- Toronto Public Library does not cancel neo-Nazi gathering, then changes policies.
- Usability.gov
- User Experience Design by Peter Morville
- US Web Design System - page templates
- PLAIN Language community
- Designing for Equity
- Web Fundamentals: Accessibility
- Dark Patterns
- PowerPoint is Evil by Edward Tufte
- Learning to Love PowerPoint by David Byrne and Wired staff
- Slide deck on how to create infographics (with resource list)
- Background generated by sprinkle generator
- Coral image from Internet Archive
- Religious book image from Alabama public library by me on Flickr
- Animal images from The happy day by Ruth Krauss
- Nehru Jacket Guide
- Dharma Wheel by Alec Dhuse on Noun Project
- Overworked by Luis Prado on Noun Project
- Delete Nazi by corpus delecti on Noun Project
- Wonder Woman by Éléonore Sabaté on Noun Project
- Fist by Elizabeth Fuqua on Noun Project
- vanity by Stephen Plaster on Noun Project