California Library Association Conference
Pasadena California
November 7, 2015

Talk: Digital Divide's Last Mile
- Pacific Standard Time Presents Form and Landscape
- Digital Divides 2015 a presentation by Pew Internet's Lee Rainie
- TaxProf in the IRS vulnerability

Ignite Session: How Porn Drives Technology
- ten.com advanced search in 2011
- UW Search in 2011
- "Win Jimbo's Ferrari"
- Danni Ashe
- "The dirty secret that drives new technology: it's porn"
- BBC Interactive Wimbleton
- Polaroid Swinger
- Second Life adult destinations
- Making the Invisible Visible: Exhibiting Erotic Stanhopes
- The irresistible rise of porn: The untold story of a global industry
- Playstation Pornable on Urban Dictionary
- Leonard Delaney novels including Conquered by Clippy
- Tweet about Playboy