Saratoga Springs, NY
Nov 9, 2017
Slides and Notes
Keynote, PDF, PowerPointResources
- Bathroom diruption opening slide from Twitter & article about app (and joke about previous app with same name)
- Bathroom key image from Bathroom Key Chronicles
- USPS facts
- Libertyville librarian Diana Trinkleback demonstrating finger weaving
- The premature death of electronic mail by Ryan Ellis
- Uber on Their Own Accessibility vs. CNN on Uber's Accessibility. Uber marketshare numbers
- Buzzfeed on Blue Apron (and on their food waste vs packaging waste)
- original of "comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable"
- Median age of a Google employee is 29
- ADA Inclusion in libraries from American Libraries magazine
- Libraries transform campaign
- ALA Fact sheet on library markets
- Coelacanths
- Google searches for librarian vs. information scientist
- ARL Article Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity: Members of the Association of Research Libraries
- NPR: Can computers be racist and sexist?
- Publisher's Weekly: Why publishing is so white
- Critlib: critical librarianship
- We need diverse books
- Harvards robobees
Image Credits
- Noun project images: laptop/email by Stan Diers and envelope by ProSymbols
- Whale image from Internet Archive
- Background image from Alexis Arnold
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