Everything You Always Wanted to Know About 2.0
But Were Afraid to Ask
Jessamyn Westlibrarian.net/talks/nassau
Links From Talk
- Slides: keynote format, pdf
- Widget defined
- Web 2.0 defined
- Twitter: Q17, CDC, Duke's Ford Library (on twitter), 100 ways to use twitter
- Widget examples: North Tonawanda (more facebook widgets, twitter widgets)
- Places to get widgets: Yahoo widgets (runs on desktop), widgetbox
- Rss feed to Email
- Feed to js [i.e. get a widget]
- More ideas: slideshare libraries tag, twittering librarians, Library Success wiki
- DIY Widgets: find something you like, find its RSS feed, embed the RSS feed someplace else.
- Portals you can experiment with: Yahoo, Google, NYTimes, Netvibes, a few more options
- How to embed almost anything.
- Mix and match: what tech tool is right for this task?
- New book announcements
- Guest speaker & program promotion
- Quick updates to the library website (snow day/emergency)
- Staff communication
- Tech support log
- Twitterize me! Announce and promote and communicate in 140 characters or less. (check your work)