[Grab the handout: Doc or HTML]

[Okay... let's make Firefox lovely!]

Pimp My Firefox

How to Make Firefox Really Work for You

Jessamyn West



Firefox is...

[firefox logo]

standards compliant, ready for primetime, cross-platform, fun
  • A standards compliant open source browser that has been "out of beta" for over 2 1/2 years and at version 2.0 since Oct 2007
  • The company: "All of our products are available free-of-charge for Windows, Mac and Linux computers in more than 35 languages."

What can you mess with?

Well, almost anything.
[click image for overkill, source]

More specifically - ADD-ONS

I'm a library, what's in it for me?

Some librarians talk about what they use.
Let's install a script.
Let's look at some examples.



Jessamyn West is a community technology librarian and the editor of the weblog librarian.net. She teaches email classes for seniors, builds tiny websites for tiny libraries and advocates for sensible technology use for everyone.

IM her at iamthebestartist.

This presentation was created in HTML using CSS. There was no PowerPoint involved in this presentation except as a nagging bad example. The layout and stylesheet are available to borrow via a share and share alike creative commons license. See source code for details.

slides version | printable version