![[link to it]](http://www.librarian.net/pics/linktoit.gif)
second day with the new weblog
Hi. Okay so welcome to librarian.net at ibiblio! the reason this is not already at the new servers may be partly my fault. In any case, I said "come hell or high water" so I figured I'd add some content here. It's a funny thing about that New York Times article. They included the text of my signs, not the signs themselves, and they cited my weblog, and not my name. Weirder still is they changed where I had written "National Security" and hyphenated it? I mean I agree that any publicity is good publicity, but it was just so weird.
![[link to it]](http://www.librarian.net/pics/linktoit.gif)
meet the new site, same as the old site
Hi. So I guess this site was mentioned in the New York Times magazine [in a sidebar that is not online and so I haven't even seen it yet] during the two-day window when I am switching to a new web host. The only time this site has ever switched to a new web host. Hello, I am Jessamyn West and this is my supreme being's idea of irony. Updates resume tomorrow, come hell or high water.
![[link to it]](http://www.librarian.net/pics/linktoit.gif)
first day with the new blog
Hi. If you can read this, then my DNS has propogated and I am now on the ibiblio servers instead of the eskimo.com servers. And I am running Movable Type instead of coding and uploading by hand. I am aware that some things are not yet working. This week I aim to get archiving and all the templates straight so that Oct 1 begins an "all MT all the time" world here for me. Send major complaints to the usual place. Let me know if stuff is broken. Tips and advice are also welcome, I'm pretty new to this CMS stuff.
![[link to it]](http://www.librarian.net/pics/linktoit.gif)
past entry 25sep
Hi. OCLC responded to my email to them. They copied and pasted their press release into an email. Classy.
![[link to it]](http://www.librarian.net/pics/linktoit.gif)
past entry 24sep
OCLC's press release on the whole matter.
Banned Books Week over at Overdue Media.
PATRIOT Watch: Conservatives are really pulling out the stops on this Ashcroft vs Librarians dispute lately.
The unwillingness to keep vagrants out of libraries goes to the fundamental inability of leftist librarians to distinguish between maintaining minimal public standards and creeping fascism. [ thanks robert ]
The Sacramento Bee is doing a special report called Liberty in the Balance about the confusing overlap between civil liberties and national security. There have been two good articles about libraries, one about what present-day CA libraries are doing in the wake of the PATRIOT Act, and one about the Library Awareness Program. [ thanks pete ]
Just in case you want to check out the report I referred to the other day in which many librarians claimed to have been visited by law enforcement, it's here. [ thanks george ]
Hey, it's a moblog that seems to be all about pictures of books. [ thanks john ]
![[link to it]](http://www.librarian.net/pics/linktoit.gif)
past entry 22sep
Hi. For some reason I am finding it easier to update this site now that I have a job. And I don't even update it while I'm at work. I'm just more easily plugged in to things librarian, I suppose. To anyone who reads this site using RSSify via LISNews.... 20% of my traffic is suddenly coming from there. This site has a fair amount of readers, but not like that. Please consider setting your RSS reader to check for updates less frequently, or use one of the pre-made feeds that are linked above. I almost never update more than daily; setting a bot to check for updates every 5-30 minutes wastes bandwidth.
PATRIOT Watch: What do we need to get to the heart of this recent USAPA mess?
Simple questions simply answered.
here's the questions to ask your elected representatives to ask the Bush administration:
- If these new powers are needed to fight terrorism, why aren't they being used?
- If these new powers aren't needed to fight terrorism, why do you have them? And why did you misrepresent your reasons for seeking them?
- If these powers have been used, why are you lying to us now?
Joe Janes talks about ALA-Toronto and the punch-in-the-gut that was the CIPA decision.
Speaking of faceted classification, there is the Bliss Classification System. [ thanks rteeter ]
![[link to it]](http://www.librarian.net/pics/linktoit.gif)
past entry 21sep
![[link to it]](http://www.librarian.net/pics/linktoit.gif)
past entry 20sep
![[link to it]](http://www.librarian.net/pics/linktoit.gif)
past entry 19sep
Hi. I am starting to make San Diego plans. I will be in San Diego for ALA from roughly the 9th through the 14th of January. I would like a free or possibly cheap place to stay. Couches are fine. Let me know if you have some leads.
Special issue of the Juice out this week. In Rory's words "Special issue on the RIAA's lawsuit against a child for file sharing and ALA's legal counsel, the law firm Jenner & Block."
PATRIOT Watch: I am sorry, I do love this country but I don't believe my government. Their memos claim no feds snooping in libraries using the broad power of the USA PATRIOT Act. But what about this survey? Are all those librarians just wrong? We know we can be a little -- what was it Mr Ashcroft? -- hysterical sometimes, but still, that's a big margin for error, don't you think? [ thanks all ]
Or, as the DNC puts it: Librarians: 1, Ashcroft: 0 [ thanks greg ]
PATRIOT Watch: Humor. Would be more funny if it didn't seem so close to true.
Revised Patriot Act Will Make It Illegal To Read Patriot Act
WASHINGTON, DC -- President Bush spoke out Monday in support of a revised version of the 2001 USA Patriot Act that would make it illegal to read the USA Patriot Act. "Under current federal law, there are unreasonable obstacles to investigating and prosecuting acts of terrorism, including the public's access to information about how the federal police will investigate and prosecute acts of terrorism," Bush said at a press conference Monday. "For the sake of the American people, I call on Congress to pass this important law prohibiting access to itself." [ thanks kevin ]
Good thing there's a new NYT login because you'll need it to read about uber-paranoiac John Ashcroft
ragging on librarians. How dare he? I think what ALA says is right on.
[ NYT ]
"If he's coming after us so specifically, we must be having an impact," said Emily Sheketoff, executive director of [ALA's] Washington office.
Some responses to the batty Mr. Ashcroft. ALA, Wisconsin, Ohio, Bernie Sanders, Virginia & California, so far.
The travels and travails of one of the world's smallest dictionaries. [ thanks dsdlc ]
Hi. I changed the NYTimes login because, well, the old one stopped working. Sorry about lack of topicality lately, I'm experiencing a renaissance of love for classification schemes since I now work in a library and don't know DDC.
Great letter to Adelphia in Library Juice. Have you seen their ads conflating their high-speed service with the library [only better, no card!]? I feel the same way about this stuff as I did about Google Answers. It's fine to have both services, but the people with the for-fee service seem to need to try to explain why they are better than the for-free service. And in reality, it's just apples and oranges. Adelphia, you are not the library. Google Answers, you are not librarians. Why pretend you are? I think it's the strength of our reputation, don't you?
[ juice ]
I've been getting interested in alternate classifciation schemes. The Warburg Institute Library has its own brand. Four sections: Action, Orientation, Word, Image.
Is protecting the rights of users and supporting free access to ideas one of the fundamental values of librarianship? I sure think so. [ commonsblog ]
Soon to be a new favorite of mine: Ref Grunt, pullquotes from life at the reference desk. [ blogsource ]
Hi, The job is great, thanks for asking. You can check out my library at the library website which at some point in the future, I will be redesigning. Still working on the move to ibiblio. You know, this whole website takes up less than 2 MB... for four years' worth of content.
You'll have to scroll down for
this gem from Neil Gaiman's blog.
if the whole point of the offended librarians is that librarians can, and, wisely, do, look like anyone, then any action figure would do. ("Isn't that a Gandalf toy?" "Nope it's a librarian. One with a hat and a beard." "And he's next to a... Bettie Page toy?" "Nope. Just a cute, half-naked librarian with a big smile and a Bettie Page haircut.") [ thanks michael ]
Hey, a writer is writing about reading. She'd like some input into people's feelings about reading for a book she's writing. Five questions, give her a hand?
PATRIOT Watch: doesn't this article make it seem, from the headline, that librarians are doing somethign bad? I mean, they're against making something easier.... really they're just making sure it's not so easy to get at your library records. [ thanks john ]
PATRIOT Watch: Slate chimes in detailing the "Attack of the Angry Librarians" among other things. [ thanks john ]
Librarian dating.
Hi. The LiveJournal RSS feed is up and running again.
You know, whether
you do or
do not like the librarian "action" figure, it's still $9 for a hunk of plastic. Buy a book instead.
Hi. Sorry if you were using the LiveJournal RSS feed and it broke when I changed formats. Regrettably, I have nothing to do with it, and LJs RSS feeds are sort of orphans in terms of support. Feel free to try one of the other feeds, linked above. Also, I have personally checked all the links on the links page and added a few sections, one on tech and one on library school. If anyone has suggestions for good resources in those sections, please let me know.
Hey I'm starting my job during Library Card Sign Up Month. I guess that's better than Pester Your Librarian Month. But really, isn't
every month Pester Your Librarian Month? I wonder why the
the press release doesn't have
the URL on it? Maybe it won't fit on one line?
What do you do when you follow all the steps an organization gives you to avoid spam and you still wind up getting some? You ask a lot of questions. Emma Jane details her back and forth with ALA about junk mail she received when they sold her name to mailing lists before she had a chance to set her communications preferences at all. Upshot? Her name and address were sold before she even got her membership card and could login to set her preferences. Uncool.
PATRIOT Watch: Library cartoon. And not the one we already all know about.
Dear editor, do you really think no one has ever written a newspaper story about a library and used the phrase "checking out" in the headline? Austin TX seeks their own Big Beautiful Library, with retail space. [ thanks alisha ]
If reading banned books were really that scandalous, no one would admit it. Me? I read porn -- among many other things; where's my t-shirt? [ thanks jenn ]
When does "own" not mean own? When you own an ebook, of course. Smart talk from the shifted Librarian.
Hi. Haven't gotten a lot of feedback on the CSS setup, so I am assuming it's mostly okay? Also, today is my birthday. Also, I got my first royalty check, it was for $38.
Hi. Please join me in the awkward phase between pure-CSS implementation of this website, and the move to a new webhost where it will be maintained much more elegantly with Movable Type, not the hinky cut 'n' paste that I do now. If you can't read the new site, or if it looks unbearably awful, please let me know. My new job starts on Monday. I'm not sure why I thought this would be a grand time to mess with the website.
Not like I'm under thirty, but if you are, or you're just young at heart, check out the
NexGen Librarian listserv over at Topica. If you're into social networking, there are librarian groups at
Friendster and
Tribe.net worth checking out. I'm at both, under my real name. If you're there, introduce yourself.
[ thanks chris ]
The NPR librarians have a few words to say