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[link to it] 6Jul04 : Harry and the Potters play wizard rock

In the Bloodhag vein, it's Harry and the Potters, coming soon to a library near you with their quirky brand of rock.

The idea is that the Harry Potter from Year 7 and the Harry Potter from Year 4 started a rock band. And now, no one can stop the wizard rock.

old 2003
jan : feb : mar : apr
may : jun : jul : aug
jan : feb : mar : apr
may : jun : jul : aug
sep : oct : nov: dec
jan : feb : mar : apr
may : jun : jul : aug
sep : oct : nov : dec
jan : feb : mar : apr
may : jun : jul : aug
sep : oct : nov : dec
may : jun : jul : aug
sep : oct/nov : dec