The Honorable Jim Davis's Speech Before the Democratic National Convention, Thursday, July 29, 2004 Remarks as Prepared for Delivery at 4:46 PM EDT BOSTON, July 29 /PRNewswire/ -- The following is a transcript of the Honorable Jim Davis's speech before the Democratic National Convention: One of the most important people in my life, one of my heroes, is my grandfather. He was an attorney who fought for civil rights in the south when it was unpopular to think that all people are created equal. He saw the greatest potential in everyone and believed that each and every person deserved to be treated with dignity. He also believed that all people should be treated with respect - regardless of their race, how much money they had, where they were from, or how they worshiped. He taught me early on that respect was one of the core values of our society, but it is a two way street. Today, our country faces critical challenges at home and abroad and I am deeply disappointed in the direction our country has turned. Like you, I'm hungry for a president who restores respect to the White House. And that's what John Kerry and John Edwards offer the American people. John Kerry and John Edwards have earned the respect and confidence of the American people in the way each has served his country and in the life each has led. John Kerry - whose respect for America is reflected in his sacrifices for America. A leader willing to risk his own life, so that others could be saved, a fighter for what is right. And John Edwards - whose respect for the small town he hailed from fuels his desire to fight on the side of regular people. John Kerry offers a new era of respect for our allies across the globe - a return to a time when the word of the American president was taken for the truth and our allies respected the course we chose. Following the example he set as a brave combat soldier in Vietnam, John Kerry will never leave America to go it alone in shaping a safer more secure community of nations. John Kerry and John Edwards offer a new era of respect for our public schools -- for parents, students, and teachers alike. Lifting our schools up, rather than putting them down as "failures." Treating the education of America's children as a solemn obligation, not simply another unfunded mandate from Washington, D.C. Because of the respect he bestowed on others, my grandfather stood very tall in my eyes. And because of the respect he will bring to the White House, John Kerry stands very tall for this country. Because John Kerry respects this country's heritage and reputation and our unique role in the world. Because he respects the everyday sacrifices and commitments that define who we are as a nation. Parents raising children. Teachers nurturing students. Police and firefighters protecting their communities. And, most importantly, because John Kerry respects the American people and the public trust that is the American presidency. Thank you. Source: Democratic National Convention Committee CONTACT: Peggy Wilhide of the Democratic National Convention Committee, +1-617-366-3100 Web site: