The Honorable James E. Clyburn's Speech before the Democratic National Convention Thursday, July 29, 2004 /EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE UPON DELIVERY OF SPEECH, SCHEDULED FOR 7:21 P.M. EDT TODAY, JULY 29/ BOSTON, July 29 /PRNewswire/ -- The following is a transcript of a speech by the Honorable James E. Clyburn before the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, July 29, 2004: My father, a fundamentalist minister, taught my two brothers and me lessons of life in very memorable ways. One day he happened upon the three of us as we were engaged in a disagreement that had turned physical. He handed each of us a piece of cord string and challenged us to pop it. We each tried valiantly, but failed. Dad then took that piece of string and began to rub it in the palms of his hands. Rather quickly, the friction his rubbing created, unraveled that string. He handed each one of us a thread and at his request we easily pop them. With this illustration, my father explained the harmful consequences of allowing little disagreements among us to cause too much friction and separate us. I often tell that story, but it seems to have more meaning, and in much broader terms, today than ever before. There are many threads woven together that create the fabric of America. This beautiful tapestry has begun to fray and weaken because unsound policies and unfair practices are creating friction among us at home and between us and our friends around the world. The current administration came into office promising to set our nation on a new and different course. But in four years, we have seen record budget surpluses turned into record setting deficits. In four years, we have seen an economy that was averaging over 5 million new jobs a year turned into one that lost nearly two million private sector jobs over the past 3 years. Americans are crying out for a new vision from our leaders, and a more responsible government. They want to restore good relationships with our friends and allies around the world. John Kerry and John Edwards will give us just that. A Kerry-Edwards administration will repair the threadbare holes growing in our nation's fabric. The Kerry-Edwards health care plan will add strength and security to America's families. The Kerry-Edwards education plan will adequately fund public education and make post secondary education and training affordable for all our nation's youth. Kerry-Edwards will close tax loopholes that encourage sending jobs overseas, and implement tax policies to reward companies that create new jobs at home. Kerry-Edwards will end unfair tax breaks for millionaires and cut taxes for 98% of Americans. I know the compassion and values of John Kerry and John Edwards. John Edwards and I were born and reared in the "same neck of the woods" as we say down in North and South Carolina. I grew up in a home where the recitation of a new Bible verse was required every morning at breakfast. I was taught that if you make a dollar you should save a nickel. When you leave the room you turn out the lights to conserve energy. These were lessons of faith and conservatism. But on Sunday mornings when Dad called for the weekly offering, he always asked the congregation to give liberally. So I learned at an early age that in some things we should be conservative and in others liberal. Those values instilled in me are the same values shared by John Kerry and John Edwards. Each of us represents different threads in the fabric of our nation, a bit worn in some places and a little shabby in others, but still -- a unified cord. The Kerry-Edwards team will rekindle hope in our people and repair America's relationships around the world. They will reweave our frayed fabric into a vibrant, beautiful tapestry that will create a better America -- an America stronger at home and more respected around the world. Source: Democratic National Convention Committee CONTACT: Peggy Wilhide of the Democratic National Convention Committee, +1-617-366-3100 Web site: