The Honorable Jean Carnahan's Speech Before the Democratic National Convention, Thursday, July 29, 2004 /EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE UPON DELIVERY OF SPEECH, SCHEDULED FOR 4:32 P.M. EDT TODAY, JULY 29/ BOSTON, July 29 /PRNewswire/ -- The following is a transcript of the Honorable Jean Carnahan's speech before the Democratic National Convention: I am here to bear witness to the lives of two extraordinary men. I have sat at their dinner tables. We have shared sadness and laughter. We have talked of our hopes for America and our children. I stood next to them during some of the darkest days in our nation's history. I saw them fight for the things that were necessary and right for America, even when it was hard, even when they were outnumbered. I am proud to tell my young grandsons I served in the United States Senate with John Kerry and John Edwards. For Democrats, this is a ticket to victory. How fortunate we are that in our Democratic ranks stands a man of valor with the inner strength and moral authority to lead in times of great peril-one whose life is measured by hallowed deeds, not hollow sound bites. Yes, President John Kerry will provide America with a clear vision and a clean start. At his side will be John Edwards, a man who has spent his career in North Carolina and in Washington fighting for the hurting and the helpless of this nation-those who have no voice. That's the kind of experience I want in Washington: experience that comes from helping real people with real problems. Yes, Democrats will go forth this night under a new banner fired by purpose and principle. Like the patriots of old, we Democrats may look like a rag-tag bunch. But like them, we are infused with high resolve and uncommon courage. Tonight, as we look to the author of both life and liberty, we pledge to rekindle a new spirit in this land-one of decency and justice and common cause. For the sake of our children and our children's children, we will make America both good and great, both secure and free, both strong and caring. And when we do, we will prove again the words of the poet Carl Sandburg, who wrote, "We are Americans. Nothing like us ever was." Source: Democratic National Convention Committee CONTACT: Peggy Wilhide of the Democratic National Convention Committee, +1-617-366-3100 Web site: